About Us

Birth Haven is an independent, nonsectarian, non-profit organization that provides shelter, support, and education for homeless, pregnant women and girls. Established in 1985, Birth Haven, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization which supports pregnant girls and young women throughout the state of New Jersey and the surrounding Tri-State area. The program operates a transitional living facility in Newton, New Jersey. Birth Haven can house 9 mothers and their babies at any given time. Most residents are between the ages of 17 and 21, and represent the fullest diversity in race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, and life circumstances.

A Message from the Founder, Elizabeth Sutherland

Our Mission

The agency provides a safe and nurturing environment in which to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term. The residents also learn the tools necessary to achieve greater self-sufficiency. Individuals served by the organization include both those who intend to raise their child after delivery and those who opt for adoption placement. Most residents stay at Birth Haven throughout their pregnancy and up until 6 weeks after the baby’s birth. However, exceptions are made when it is in the best interest of the mother and infant.

The majority of residents who come to Birth Haven are in a significant state of crisis. Many prospective participants are already homeless or are at risk of abuse in their current living situation. For some, reunification with family or partners is possible, after personal growth is attained through the individual therapy that Birth Haven provides. While others set out on their own after the baby is born, with a new found independence and valuable life skills learned during their stay.

Board of Trustees
Anna Sutherland, Co-Chairperson
John Ursin, Esq. Co-Chairperson
Elizabeth Sutherland, Vice-Chairperson

Kathleen Alicks                 Rita Oroho
Amy Gjelsvik, Esq.            Robert Sameth
Daniel Holdt                      Susan Sameth
Jennifer Koza Todaro      Patrick Sutherland
Scott Mahoney.                Faith Vohden
Thomas Manning             Susanne Waldele
Michele Oroho